My Blue Angel - Arifa Asariah |
To those who have angel wings and many lives
I think of you as I fold my wings carefully into my back
(neatly tucked into the hidden crevices of skin)
I muse at the secrecy of wings
who shows theirs by day
and by night it's hard to see
the fine mesh woven thread secret feathers
as we hover over dreams
taking respite from this one state of being
catching prismic truth and beauty
as it flows through
feasting on the flavour
tasting the freedom and movement in our hearts
angel singing to the sound of our own drum
eventually returning
to morning light
solid ground
the fade in
fades out that knowing place
where we danced and flew
on dream edged bliss
and we angel fall
fold our guilty wings back into ourselves
hidden in careful denial
for what are we taught about fallen angels
but that they are feared
as devils